Week ending 8th December

* Acorn Class News *

This week in Acorn class, we kicked off with a zen start – yoga for everyone!

In Literacy, Reception and Year 1 embarked on a sweet adventure as Little Red Riding Hood sent letters with instructions to decorate cakes for Granny's house. Reading and ordering the instructions was a piece of cake – especially since we'd baked the perfect-sized treats in maths! Year 2 wrapped up their literacy unit in style with an independent write-Fantastic to see them full of pride and reading their stories to reception children.

Meanwhile, the maths enthusiasts in Year 2 delved into the world of 2D shapes and symmetry by investigating examples in our environment. Whilst our rhyme of the week (5 little men in a flying saucer) was spectacularly performed by reception children.

And guess what? Christmas production rehearsals are already in full swing.

* Oak Class News *

This week has been a whirlwind of learning and fun.

We started with a fascinating whole school assembly, diving into the Christian traditions of advent.

Our little yogis had a blast with the Yogi group, embracing the zen vibes during a rejuvenating yoga session.

In English, creativity soared as we gathered vivid vocabulary for our own twist on Wilfred Owen's poem, "Dolce et Decorum est."

History took us to the skies as we delved into the heroic tales of the Battle of Britain.

Rev. Stef sprinkled some festive magic during our Christingle assembly, and each child crafted their own Christingle – a heart-warming experience for all!

Lastly, the PE highlight: the Oak Class rhythmic gymnastics routine, showcasing creativity and teamwork. Kudos to our talented young performers!