Spirituality Afternoon

Our Spirituality afternoon was a captivating journey into exploring the concept of spirituality. The children discovered that spirituality is like a big adventure for the heart and mind, encompassing a deep sense of connection to everything around them, including intangible aspects like love, kindness, and wonder. Just like the joy one feels when surrounded by family or witnessing a breathtaking sunset, spirituality embraces these emotions on a grander scale.

One important aspect the children learned was that spirituality involves believing in something special within themselves and in the world. It is like a magical bond that unites all of us. Being spiritual often involves activities such as relishing time spent in nature, engaging in discussions about dreams and aspirations, and displaying kindness towards others, which fills the heart with warmth and happiness.

With this newfound understanding, the children actively participated in various activities during the Spirituality afternoon. Trust games were played, fostering a sense of camaraderie and connection among the students. By engaging in these games, they learned to rely on one another, building trust and strengthening their relationships.

The children also had the opportunity to experience the power of touch through hand massages. This activity not only provided a soothing and relaxing experience but also symbolized the importance of physical connection and care in fostering spirituality.

In addition, each child created a gratitude heart, a beautiful and meaningful representation of their appreciation for life's blessings. They carefully cut out heart-shaped cards and attached colourful elastic bands, each one representing something they were grateful for. By identifying and celebrating the things they hold dear, they embraced the essence of spirituality and discovered that joy, kindness, and love can be found all around them.

Overall, the Spirituality afternoon proved to be an enriching and enlightening experience for the children. Through a combination of engaging activities and meaningful discussions, they deepened their understanding of spirituality and its impact on their lives. They left the session with a newfound appreciation for the hidden treasures of joy, kindness, and love that surround them each day.