Lancashire Fire and Rescue Visit


All of the chidlren enjoyed an exciting and educational visit from Lancashire Fire and Rescue today. The visit aimed to educate the children about fire safety and help them understand the importance of staying safe in various situations.

During the visit, the children of Acorn Class had the opportunity to learn about the significance of fire alarms and what actions need to be taken in case of a fire emergency at home. They were given valuable advice on how to protect themselves and their families. In addition, the children were elated to try on some of the equipment that fire fighters wear, experiencing a taste of what it is like to be a real-life hero.

Oak Class also benefited from the visit as they revisited fire safety awareness. The chidlren learned about the importance of personal safety while walking alone, being vigilant of potential dangers, especially when crossing the road. An essential lesson was shared, cautioning against distractions such as focusing on mobile phones when crossing roads and highlighting the risks associated with not paying attention. The children also continued their understanding of cycle safety, emphasising the significance of wearing a helmet and avoiding the use of headphones while cycling.

Overall, the visit from Lancashire Fire and Rescue was thoroughly enjoyed by both Acorn and Oak Class. It provided them with valuable knowledge and practical experiences, ensuring they are well-informed about fire and personal safety. We extend our gratitude to the Lancashire Fire and Rescue team for their informative and engaging visit.