Week Ending 26th April

 * Acorn Class Update *

This week, the children have been diving into the enchanting world of Peter Rabbit, exploring predictions and creating a cosy corner for our furry friend.
Additionally, our science journey into plants is blooming beautifully, with investigations in full swing!
In maths, Reception, children are mastering patterns, shapes, and diving into numbers 10 to 13. Year 1 have completed their multiplication and division unit and are joining Year 2 embarking on an exciting exploration of fractions.
And in art, we're getting creative with tone and observational drawing!

 * Oak Class Update *

What a fantastic week it has been in Oak Class! Here's a glimpse into all the exciting learning that took place:
Whole School Assembly: We kicked off the week with a thought-provoking assembly centred around the question, "Can you learn to persevere?" This ties in perfectly with one of our core school values. Inspired by the incredible Jasmine Paris, the first woman to conquer the Barkley Marathons, a 100-mile race completed in just 60 hours, we discussed the power of perseverance. It was heartwarming to hear the children share their own stories of resilience and determination!
History Exploration: Our week was filled with captivating history lessons! From delving into the artistic achievements of the Maya Civilisation, exploring the mysteries of the Ancient Egyptians, to un-covering the cultural richness of Early Islamic societies, Oak Class immersed themselves in a journey through time. We even used tea bags to create our own ancient paper, before writing our name in Egyptian hieroglyphics. And let's not forget the amazing modelled writing sessions inspired by these historical periods – creativity was truly unleashed!
Mathematical Adventures: In Maths, our Year 3 and 4 students have been mastering the art of telling time to the nearest minute and seamlessly switching between analogue and digital formats. Meanwhile, our Year 5 and 6 pupils have been diving deep into geometry, identifying angles, and confidently wielding protractors like true mathematical wizards!
Bonjour! French Lessons: Over in French lessons, our Oak Class linguists have been expanding their vocabulary by learning to articulate family members in French. C'est magnifique!