Week Ending 24th November

* Oak Class News *

We kicked off with a whole school road safety assembly, teaching our little ones how to navigate roads and stay safe in style with bright colours and helmets for biking fun!

In Design Technology, the children embraced their creativity, sculpting wire outlines of warhorses, tying into our captivating history unit. 

PSHE brought a celebration of differences as the kids crafted factfiles, cherishing the uniqueness that makes us all special.

English class soared to new heights with an innovative twist on the opening chapter of "Good Night, Mr. Tom. The use of "Crash Bang Wallop" sentences showcased their impressive storytelling skills! 

And the grand finale – the glow-in-the-dark dodgeball festival at Holycross! Teaming up with friends from Mawdsley, St. Peter's, and Paul's, Year Three and Four had a blast at the Chorley SSP event. Dodgeball fun lit up the night for everyone involved!