
Residential and Day Visits

At Mossy Lea, we believe that residential visits are more than just a school trip—they are a cornerstone of our educational philosophy. These experiences provide children with invaluable opportunities to grow both socially and academically, forging memories that last a lifetime. Our residential visits are meticulously planned, with thorough preparation that ensures the activities are seamlessly integrated into the curriculum, enriching the learning experience.

In collaboration with St. George’s Primary School, we offer two exciting residential opportunities. Our Year 6 pupils embark on an adventurous trip to PGL Boreatton Park in Shropshire, where they participate in a variety of challenging and team-building activities. Meanwhile, our Year 2 children enjoy a delightful overnight stay at Bibby’s Farm, where they experience the joys of camping, outdoor activities, and gaining independence in a safe and supportive environment.

We understand that the cost of these residential visits can be a concern for some families. If you are experiencing any difficulties with payment, please don’t hesitate to visit the school and speak with a member of our Senior Leadership Team (SLT). We are here to help and can arrange flexible payment options, including setting up a payment plan that works for you. Alternatively, you can begin making payments at reception to spread the cost over time.

Beyond our residential visits, every class at Mossy Lea participates in out-of-school day trips each year, carefully selected to complement and enhance their curriculum. These excursions provide hands-on learning experiences and allow children to explore the world beyond the classroom, broadening their horizons and deepening their understanding of the subjects they study.

Our commitment to these experiences reflects our belief that learning happens everywhere, and we strive to make these opportunities accessible to all our pupils.