School Info

Wrightington Mossy Lea Primary School is a delightful community primary school in Wrightington, Lancashire, for children aged 4-11 years.

Mossy Lea: Where Dreams Take Root

In the heart of the village, where the quiet winds play,  
Lies a school called Mossy Lea, where children learn each day.  
With laughter in the classrooms and joy in the air,  
It’s a place where every child knows they’re valued and they care.  

Beneath the ancient trees where shadows gently fall,  
Young minds awaken, answering learning's call.  
Through fields of green and skies so wide,  
Curiosity and wonder are our children’s guide.  

A small school with a big, bold heart,  
Where every lesson is a work of art.  
We cherish tradition, yet welcome the new,  
In Mossy Lea, every child’s dreams come true.  

Collaboration and growth, with St. George’s we stand,  
Together we nurture, hand in hand.  
From forest trails to classrooms bright,  
Mossy Lea shines with a guiding light.  

Here, each day is an adventure, a journey to explore,  
Where potential is unlocked, and spirits soar.  
In the embrace of our village, so tranquil, so free,  
There’s no place like Mossy Lea, where dreams take root in harmony.